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2023 Project Tenderfoot Notes

For the uninitiated into the ways of our standard campouts, please refer to the New Scout Corner, specifically the post about Project Tenderfoot last year found here. There’s a lot of great info there that still applies. Below are the differences with this years campout.

Arrival Time

This year, because our location is much further away (~1 hour drive from the church), we need to meet earlier. We would like folks to arrive as close to 4:00pm as possible. We realize this can be tough with school not letting out much earlier than that, but with weather and darkness fighting us, we’d like to get to the campsite as soon as possible. Remember you need to bring Friday Dinner (sack dinner) to the church.


The current forecast is indicating we will have an adventurous campout! Remember that any weather can hit us in Colorado and this weekend is calling for rain, snow, AND sunshine. The temps don’t look too cold, but BE PREPARED! I will be bringing my warm sleeping bag and lots of extra clothes and layers! Our tents are quality tents that can handle all weather (when properly setup, which we will ensure you do!).

Med Forms

Read the prior post for details but know that as of this writing, it looks like we need updated med forms for the following Scouts and Adults:

Brett Borstad
Todd Prebynski
BJ Thompson
Alexander R.
Dalton M.
Liam H.

It is very possible (and likely in some cases) that you’ve turned in a current Med Form, however I can’t find it at this time so please see me at the meeting or just fill out another one if you have some time and bring it to the meeting or the church on Friday when we meet to depart. Thanks.

For any other questions, please see me at the meeting Monday or at departure Friday, or email me at

Mr. Bielkiewicz
SMiC Project Tenderfoot 2023

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