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7/20 – In-Person Meeting @ Clement Park

We will have our 2nd in-person meeting of the summer at the same location (see below) as last week. We will hope for better weather this time! This meeting will be mostly filled with various games and fun time, so join us if you can! A reminder as well that it’s never a bad idea to bring you Scout Handbook in case you have requirements you need signed off. Mr. Bielkiewicz will connect to Scoutbook and we can sync up your books and Scoutbook as time permits.

We will meet at the 2 shelters that are East of the tennis courts and directly North of the Columbine High School parking lot. This should give us plenty of space to properly socially distance ourselves.

We can also enjoy the outdoors in a safe manner together. We will plan for our typical 7 pm meeting time. Since this is summer time, we will not require class A uniforms, but highly recommend class B’s (a troop/scout shirt) if you have them (new scouts are excused from this requirement of course).

Of course we ask that if you are feeling sick, have felt sick recently, or have been around anyone who is sick to stay at home. No one will judge anyone attempting to be safe! If you aren’t comfortable with an in-person meeting just yet, that’s ok as well. Due to the statewide mandate, MASKS ARE REQUIRED.

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