BSA Troop 640, Littleton, CO Genesis Presbyterian Church
Troop 640 Weekly Warbler

Troop Meeting Monday (11/15) 7:00pm at
Genesis Presbyterian Church
(Masks required inside the church)

November 14, 2021
11/15 Meeting @ Genesis
For tomorrow’s meeting, we will be working on knots and other basic scouting skills that we have not practiced in the last few months or even years. I would also like to prepare for the Webelos that are coming for the next meeting. Don’t forget there will be no meeting…
November 14, 2021
Winter Primer Campout Photos Posted!
This past weekend, Mr. Martin and Mr. Naber led our annual Winter Primer Campout. This year we went to some private property near Ward (and Camp Tahosa) where the 7 Scouts endured some gusty (up to 50mph) wind pretty much the entire time, enjoyed a couple of fires when the…
November 14, 2021
Save the Date, Winter Retreat in December
We are still working on securing a reservation for our annual Winter Retreat, hopefully to be held at Camp Tahosa the weekend of December 10th-12th, in the cabins. Save the date as we are considering holding our annual planning meeting during this camp-“in” as well.
November 9, 2021
Florida Sea Base in 2023 (Updated!)
We will be having our interest meeting for the 2023 Sea Base trip at our December 6th meeting. PARENTS: Please come prepared to COMMIT to this trip if your Scout is interested. We will determine, at that meeting, amongst the Scouts going, what adventure we want to sign up for…

Communications Update

Did you know the troop has general email address available to reach specific people directly via email in the Troop? Below are those emails! They can also be found on the website at the Resources/Links tab.  - Direct email to our current Scoutmaster - Direct email to our current Advancement Chair (to request a Board of Review, please visit - Direct email to our current Committee Chair - Use this email to add content for our weekly newsletter - For any comments, questions about our website - Direct email to our current Treasurer - Used for recruiting of Webelos. If you are a Den/Pack Leader and have questions, use this address - Will email our current summer camp leader for the upcoming (or recently past) camp


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