Adults Needed!
Why should you volunteer to be a direct contact leader in 640? Aside from making
sure that our kids get to go camping and advance in the program, volunteering allows
you to empower our youth to create the kind of community and world you and they want
to live in. You can help our kids build skills in leadership, communication,
teamwork, and planning – all while working on your own. Not to mention that
volunteering gives you access to a large Scouting family. You can meet other adults
with similar interests and make good friends to help you take on new challenges and
adventures. So aside from just taking on various roles as they are vacated by the
adults of (soon to be) former Scouts, it’s important to remember that Scouting is
a family activity and kids stay in longer and get more out of the program when one
or more adult family members are also involved. Please reach out to me or one of the
ASMs about finding an opportunity that’s right for you.
Jon Strauss