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April 13th, 2020


All Scouts need to complete their Cyberchip requirements every year–especially if they plan on advancing. This means they’ve met BSA’s basic requirements that will help them with on-line safety and security. The Troop plans on reviewing these requirements with Scouts this Monday, April 13th at our weekly meeting at 7pm.

Each Scout will need to do the following (taken from

1. Visit:
and read/take the Internet Safety pledge.

2. Write and sign a personalized contract with your parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use.

3. Discuss with your parents the benefits and potential dangers teenagers might experience when using social media. Give examples of each.

4. Watch the video “ Friend or Fake ,” along with two additional videos of your choosing from the list below, to see how friends can help each other to stay safe online.
1. Post to be private
2. Split Decisions
3. Two Kinds of Stupid

5. At the meeting on Monday, we’ll discuss the acceptable standards and practices for using allowed electronic devices, such as phones and games, at your meetings and other Scouting events. I’ll also have the Scouts teach safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette” to the rest of the troop.

Reminder: preparation is key. If a Scout logs into the meeting and is not prepared and doesn’t contribute, he won’t get signed-off. We’re doing what we can to continue our Scouting program with all that’s going on, but we’re not just handing out advancements or merit badges. Our boys still have to do the work.

The Troop is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Virtual Scout Meeting – Cyber Chip
Time: Apr 13, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: <check email for zoom link>


Jon C Strauss

Scoutmaster, Troop 640

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