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April 2023 Shootzenfest (funny name and a fun time)

The troop had a good turn out of nine scouts (Damon B, Bjorn B, Jackson D, Andrew N, Caleb, N, Vince P, Alexander R, Evan S, and Nash W) and 3 adults (Brett B, Little Bob P and Scoutmaster Strauss) who attended this event April 28-30th 2023.

We got lucky and had great weather all weekend.  Friday night involved camp set up and gorging on cookies and hot chocolate at the dining hall.  Overnight we had some drama with a neighboring scout blowing his emergency whistle due to fear of local coyotes that were serenading us with some original hit songs. 

Saturday was all about shooting.  There were stations for shotguns, 22 caliber rifles, muzzle loading, axe throwing, archery and sports archery.  The scouts and adults were allowed to shoot as much as they wanted while the ranges were open.  Saturday evening entertainment consisted of a garlic bread eating contest (Congratulations Evan) and a campfire program in which our troop did NOT do the invisible bench skit. 

Sunday morning, the scouts broke camp early and were able to sneak in another hour on the range before departing for home.

The only casualty from the weekend was headlamp that fell down to the bottom of the latrine.  Thankfully the scouts had the foresight to just let that one stay were it landed.

The biggest highlight as an adult was having every scout, at different times during the day, enthusiastically describe to how they were improving at their firearm skill or how they tried out a new activity.

Thank you to the SPL, Caleb N, for keeping the Troop going in the right direction on this weekend’s adventure.

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