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April 20th, 2020

Virtual Monday Meeting Agenda

Older Scouts:
We will work on Hiking Merit Badge and the requirements that don’t require actual hiking such as 1, 2, and 3. We also may ask some of you to teach some first aid skills to the younger scouts.

Younger Scouts:
We will discuss some first aid skills which is part of the Hiking MB requirements as well as several early rank requirements.

Temporary Changes to Rank Advancement during Covid-19:
Please check this website for more info on the temporary changes:

The short of it is, many requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class have been tweaked so you can work on them remotely. If you need these requirements, this is the time to get them! Please reach out to Mr. Bielkiewicz, Mr. Strauss, or an older scout for help setting up a session to complete any requirements you need!

We will meet on Monday at our normal time (7:00 pm) at the following Zoom link – the link will be the same for every Monday meeting that we have virtually from now on:

<check your newsletter or email for the zoom link>

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