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Be In A Parade!

Hello, Scouts of Troop 640!

Scout Troop 989 would like to invite you to participate in the Grand Parade of the 96th annual Western Welcome Week the morning of Saturday, August 17! Coffee and Donuts will be provided.

This parade runs a 1.7 mile route down Littleton Blvd through a cheering crowd. It will be our glorious job to follow behind the Westernaires who are riding a couple dozen horses and shovel up the poop that they leave behind. WAIT! KEEP READING! It is actually a lot of fun! Our energetic scooping activities make us a crowd favorite, with the whole crowd cheering us on.

If you have never been in a parade, it is an experience that you will never forget, and are some of my best memories. This is also a chance to earn a full morning’s worth of service hours.


We will meet at 8am at the Arapahoe Community College parking lot, Northwestern corner. From there, we will walk to the office of Dave Law, who will be providing coffee (for parents) and donuts, then on to the starting line of the parade. We will complete the parade route near the same parking lot at ACC around noon. If you are able to attend, please contact me (Chris Brown) directly at (remember to CC another adult). We will need shovels, push brooms, and wheel barrows. If you can provide, please let me know.

Scout on!

-Chris Brown, Troop 989

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