Board of Review Request
After a Scout has completed the requirements for any rank, the Scout appears before a Board of Review (BOR). Its purpose is to determine the quality of their experience and decide whether the Scout has fulfilled the requirements for the rank.
Please enter your information to request a BOR. It is the responsibility of the Scout to request a BOR after they have completed a Scoutmaster Conference and have that rank advancement requirement signed in their scout handbook.
Your request will be sent to the Advancement Chair. The Advancement Chair will follow up to confirm the Board of Review data and time. The Board of Review will typically be scheduled within a week; however, Scouts need to understand that this will not always be the case and should plan appropriately if trying to earn rank before a certain date.
The Board of Review
No less than three adults not related to the Scout will be present during the BOR.
For all Boards of Reviews, Scouts:
- Should be in their ‘Class A’ scout uniform and presentable
- Should have their Boy Scout Handbook available for review with signed requirements
- Will be asked to recite the Scout, Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan
- Will be asked general questions (suggested by the BSA) related to their rank advancement and scouting experience
After each BOR, the Scout will be told if they have achieved the desired rank. If so, the rank advancement is immediate and the BOR date will be reflected in the troop records accordingly.