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Camping Trip Commentary by Scoutmaster Strauss

As the volunteer camp host at Tahosa the same weekend as our Troop’s visit up there, it was great to witness our boys (and Dads) having a wonderful time. It was even better to see that our Scouts and leaders had no troubles following the rules and were better role models compared to other units up at camp that weekend. Nothing makes me happier than to see our kids using the patrol method, working on achievements and volunteering to help each other as much as they did that weekend.

Thanks to Corey and Mike for setting up this trip and making the most out of the final weeks of our Covid Summer, and thanks to Bob, Kurt and Chris for attending and making sure we had enough adult supervision.

We can’t take our boys out without enough adult volunteers, so remember: moms, dads, guardians, and grandparents are all welcome to join us. Scouting is a family activity!

Mr. Strauss

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