2024 Update: I would like to re-send this survey out as I get more serious about planning this trip. I’m thinking early to mid June makes the most sense so we really need to get cracking on Scuba Certification for those that will need it. I will check for group rates on that shortly. I will be in Cozumel soon and intend to coordinate a group deal (if possible) in person at that time. No commitment, but hopefully a firm price. But I would like to give a more accurate count of how many we might be bringing. Please fill out this form and reach out to Mr. Bielkiewicz directly if you have any questions beyond the scope of the form. And we will require Scouts participating in the Scuba to be 14 years old or completed the 8th Grade by the date of the trip. Thanks!
I would like to run a High Adventure Scout trip to Cozumel in Summer 2025 (Dates TBD) primarily to go scuba diving. I’ve found a resort that has all-inclusive packages which include diving for 7 nights at approximately $1200 per person, however we would have to work out some details such as if people aren’t Scuba Diving but want to go to the resort anyway and possibilities on group discounts if we bring enough folks. For now, just assume the price is around $1200 plus flights and other incidentals. Also, for those who are not certified to Scuba Dive yet, you would need to be fully certified prior to our departure and that component isn’t cheap or quick. However, this can be coordinated as a group to get certified which can be a lot of fun, including the required open water dives (can be done locally, in Blue Hole, NM, or at Homestead Crater, UT). Total cost can be around $700 for the classes and open water dives plus lodging if we do it out of town.
We realize this is an expensive trip, overall, and want to plan early so there’s plenty of fundraising opportunities. Since this would be classified as a High Adventure, Scouts participating would have to be 14 years old (or completed 8th Grade) but that includes most of our current Scouts since we’re almost 2 years out.
We want to get an idea of how many might be interested in such a trip/experience.
Due to our large group size, we couldn’t get a reservation at 9am and instead will be starting at 10am. We will therefore push our schedule by 1 hour, which means meeting at the church at 8:45am and departing NO LATER than 9am. If we are late, we lose that time climbing so please don’t be late! We plan to return around 1pm but do not intend to make a lunch stop so if you need a snack, please bring something along!
Also, gloves are not provided for climbing, if you feel you need them, please bring your own pair! Note that these should be leather-style work gloves, NOT ski gloves which will get torn to shreds 🙂
This is your last chance to sign up for the Treehouse Adventure day (morning) trip on August 10th! Please sign up by Tuesday as ONLY those that are signed up will be able to attend as we have to pre-book our reservation. See the signup in the newsletter or on the Events tab on the website!
The fishing trip is next weekend! Here’s a few details for everyone that is signed up or thinking about signing up. There’s still time to join us, but time is running out very fast!
Waivers: Wellington Lake requires everyone to sign a waiver. No Exceptions! Please complete the digital waiver at the link below. When completing the form, we will be in campsite 60G, our departure date is 5/19/2024, and use your own vehicle information even if you aren’t camping with us as it’s a required field.
Destination: Wellington Lake, 21843 Stoney Pass Rd.,
Bailey, CO 80421
Meeting Location: Abiding Hope Nature School Parking Lot
Meet for Departure: 5/17/2024 at 5:00pm
Return: 5/19/2024 before 12pm
Weather: Wellington Lake is at approximately 8,000ft elevation. It will be a little chilly, so please plan accordingly. Weather information for Wellington Lake can be found at the link below.
Fishing Regulations: Wellington Lake is a private lake and fishing licenses are not required. The lake is catch and release only. The fine for killing a fish or not returning it to the water fast enough to survive is $50. Only unscented artificial flies and lures may be used. Live bait is prohibited. Barbs on hooks must be crimped down. Single hook lures are preferred. Treble hooks will suffice as long as the barbs are crimped.
Fishing Gear: Please bring your own fishing pole if you have one. If you don’t have a pole, please contact Mr. Naber right away! Scouts are welcomed and encouraged to bring their own fishing tackle as well, but it is not required. The troop has purchased some dry and wet flies to fish with as well as some lures. Mr. Naber will teach scouts how to fish with artificial flies without using a fly fishing rod. A pair of needle nose pliers can also be very helpful.
Canoeing Gear: Everyone using a canoe must wear a personal floatation device (PFD). No Exceptions. We have several PFDs of varying sizes. If you have your own PFD that you know fits you, please feel free to bring it with you if you want to do any canoeing. Please keep in mind that canoeing weather dependant and is not guaranteed to take place.
Questions? Please feel free to contact Mr. Naber at or at 720-840-5326.
December 2023 Tubing Hill Night and Ski Day at Granby Ranch
Friday December 15 530pm to late Saturday night
The plan is to gather at the church Friday at 530pm and leave soon after to go to the Fraser Tubing hill for 90 minutes of tubing action. We will be spending the night indoors at a local church in Fraser (bring a sleeping pad and your lighter weight sleeping bag).
Saturday will be a full day of skiing at Granby Ranch. We will depart after skiing Saturday for hom arrive between 6-7pm depending on traffic.
Purchase your Scout’s lift ticket online at https://granbyranch.com/tickets-passes/ . Each skier needs to have a liability waiver signed before purchasing the ticket, this can all be done online and the lift ticket picked up Saturday at the ski hill.
Who is interested in high adventure in Alaska in July 2024?
Come Monday, October 16th to hear information about an Alaska trip in 2024. Will have pictures from previous trips and discuss what possibilities are available for this adventure! I can answer any questions people may have.
Update! We have added more campouts to the Events page on the website. Note that only the most recent events will usually have direct links in the newsletter – everything else is on the website. For a refresher on signing up, check out the article in our New Scout Corner.
We’ve added December’s annual ski trip (moved from the usual January spot) and the planned ice climbing adventure at Camp Alexander in January. Signups for the latter are coming very soon so we’d love to have an idea of how many Scouts are interested in the amazing activity. Note that both trips will be spent indoors. The ski trip is dependent on us finding a place to stay – preferably the same church we used last year. Stay tuned!
We are trying to be more proactive with our planning and registration of our campouts so you will see more and more events posted on the website and linked in the newsletter. We currently have campouts open for signups through November and will continue to add our winter campouts in the coming weeks. Please sign up as soon as you know you want to attend – while we don’t like to see people cancel, it can be done (easier if you create an account on the Events page and use that for your signups). Note that for “far out” adventures, the itinerary and times listed are estimates and are subject to change as we get closer to the event. Thanks everyone and Camp On!
We are trying to be more proactive with our planning and registration of our campouts so you will see more and more events posted on the website and linked in the newsletter. We currently have campouts open for signups through November and will continue to add our winter campouts in the coming weeks. Please sign up as soon as you know you want to attend – while we don’t like to see people cancel, it can be done (easier if you create an account on the Events page and use that for your signups). Note that for “far out” adventures, the itinerary and times listed are estimates and are subject to change as we get closer to the event. Thanks everyone and Camp On!
Attention Troop 640 Scouts and Scouters!!! We only have 3 youth and one Adult signed up for the Fishing Campout this coming weekend. Last year was a blast, and this year will be also! We need more scouts and one more adult to make this trip happen! We have three camp sites reserved at Green Ridge Campground on the south end of Shadow Mountain Reservoir for Friday and Saturday nights. Please, please, please sign up immediately so we know by Monday night if we have enough interest for this trip.
Don’t like fishing? Attend anyway to get in more nights of camping! Need to work on homework or requirements? What better place than camping in the forest! Don’t know how to fish or have Fishing gear? We’ll teach you and make sure you have equipment and bait! Don’t have the Fishing Merit Badge, but want to earn it? This weekend is your chance to get started!
The troop had a good turn out of nine scouts (Damon B, Bjorn B, Jackson D, Andrew N, Caleb, N, Vince P, Alexander R, Evan S, and Nash W) and 3 adults (Brett B, Little Bob P and Scoutmaster Strauss) who attended this event April 28-30th 2023.
We got lucky and had great weather all weekend. Friday night involved camp set up and gorging on cookies and hot chocolate at the dining hall. Overnight we had some drama with a neighboring scout blowing his emergency whistle due to fear of local coyotes that were serenading us with some original hit songs.
Saturday was all about shooting. There were stations for shotguns, 22 caliber rifles, muzzle loading, axe throwing, archery and sports archery. The scouts and adults were allowed to shoot as much as they wanted while the ranges were open. Saturday evening entertainment consisted of a garlic bread eating contest (Congratulations Evan) and a campfire program in which our troop did NOT do the invisible bench skit.
Sunday morning, the scouts broke camp early and were able to sneak in another hour on the range before departing for home.
The only casualty from the weekend was headlamp that fell down to the bottom of the latrine. Thankfully the scouts had the foresight to just let that one stay were it landed.
The biggest highlight as an adult was having every scout, at different times during the day, enthusiastically describe to how they were improving at their firearm skill or how they tried out a new activity.
Thank you to the SPL, Caleb N, for keeping the Troop going in the right direction on this weekend’s adventure.