A big thank you to all the Scouts and adults who helped out with very last minute notice from the church this past week to put together some furniture. Those in attendance were:
Eli S. Cooper P. Jaxon K. Caleb N. Aidan S. Bjorn B. Luke H. Alexander R. Lex S.
Chris N. Jon S. Keel R. Curtis S. Cynde R. Mike S.
Service hours will be credited – make sure to get them added to your book and/or Scoutbook!
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to the church earlier today to help clean and organize the trailers and the corral! We started at Noon and here are the attendees who stayed until 4pm (unless noted):
Scouts: Nik F. Bjorn B. (until 3pm) Zack B. Caleb N. Cooper P. Eli S. Damon B.
Adults: Mike B. Chris N. Brett B. (until 3pm) Curtis S. Cynde R. Tom F. Cameron B. (from 3pm) Jeff M. (from 2:30pm) Keel R. (until 1:30pm)
We cleaned ALL the weeds in the corral, pulled everything out of both trailers, and organized it all. We also set up Big White with the help of Mr. Martin – it’s good to know it still works and perhaps we can use it on a future campout now that we (mostly) know how to set it up again!
Here are a few photos of the day:
We missed getting a good “before” shot – there were a ton of weeds, this is nearing the end after most had been brought to the dumpster
My church (Waterstone) is hosting an event where they are assembling food packs to be sent to children overseas. They have 2 work days Friday 3/3 afternoon/evening; and Saturday 3/4 all day. There are 2 hour block to sign up for. I think this sounds like a great service opportunity for scouts that need service hours. Last year the spots filled up quickly. They are opening up registration tomorrow 2/6 at 9am.
Member of the church can sign up early, so I have already registered Nick for Saturday morning.
A big thanks goes out to the Scouts who volunteered last minute to present flags at the hockey tournament at the Edge Ice Arena the night of January 27th. Zack B, Damon B, Nik F, and Eli S presented the flags for the national anthem before the game and after many veterans in the building were honored. Troop 640’s own former Eagle Scout Brandon Grishman was honored as he has since joined the Army. It was clear how appreciative everyone was having our Scouts there as many people approached them and thanked them personally. Way to go, Scouts!
This recent opportunity has been passed on to us. Contact info is below and remember, Patrols can hold an outing as a group as well and this looks like a great opportunity!
Hello, I’m with the City of Arvada’s Majestic View Nature Center and we’re celebrating National Trails Day on Saturday, June 4 with a trail building project to complete the trail loop around the lake in our community park. We’re inviting all volunteer groups that would like to support and give back to the community to help complete the trail between 9 to 11 am (we’ll provide lunch) and offer an opportunity for their groups to have a booth table in the afternoon as we celebrate free, family activities from 1-4pm.
We weren’t sure if this would be a useful opportunity for scouts looking to complete community service/volunteer hours. We also aren’t sure if you are the correct folks to share volunteer opportunities like this with scouts in the area. If this sounds like an interesting opportunity for scouts and you would be able to share, we’d greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions or would like more information, please let me know. Otherwise thank you for your time!
Thank you,
Anna Hoover Nature Center Director 720-898-7405 Cell | 720-415-2955
Come help us tell more middle schoolers about our Troop and how much fun we have! We will have a table at Summit Ridge MS for Back to School Night on Wednesday August 25th. We need Scouts there from 4-8 pm. Let us know when you can help! We want to keep growing our Troop, so let’s tell more people about us.
Remember that as Scouts we always are looking for opportunities to give back to the community and Mathew found the following opportunity (which also will count towards service hours for rank advancement):
I am looking at the jeffco action center website and there are some slots for either the 4th of august or the 5th of august to pack backpacks for all ages, I was wondering if you guys could please send an email out to everyone if anyone needs any extra service hours.
A big thanks to Drew D, Aidan S, and Nash W for helping fill in with Pack 742’s annual Food Drive this last Saturday! Thanks also to Ms. Dawson and Mr. Strauss for helping out with the driving!