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Category: Fundraising

Nash’s and Nik’s Big Spin

On Wednesday Night Nash and Nik got to go to Council headquarters and participate in their Big Spin event.  Nash and Nik earned this opportunity by being a top-50 popcorn seller in the Council.

Nash earned 4 spins and won 2 Tents, a Football, and a Pizza Blanket.

Nik earned 2 spins and won a Tent and a backpack.

Great Job Nash and Nik! Way to represent Troop 640.

Wreath Update – Money Due!

All wreaths have been sold! Thank you to all the scouts that helped sell wreaths this year. Please bring any money that you have collected to our meeting Monday – it is due then!  Top sales numbers will be shared soon!

Troop 640 Holiday Wreath Sales

Help pay for your scout activities by selling fresh holiday wreaths made right here in CO.

Pre-Order wreath sales are due Friday, November 15!

This year, we will be selling two types of wreaths in two sizes. The eighteen inch wreath is $26, and the twenty six inch wreath is $36 dollars.

Scouts can make $8.65 for each small wreath they sell and $13.55 for each large wreath!!

We have a few opportunities for Scouts to sell wreaths before and after the wreaths are delivered. 

 Pre-Sale orders at Sky Point and Row House Sat. Nov. 16 and 23.

Post-Delivered Sales at Ace Hardware Sat. Nov. 30 and Sun. Dec. 8

More details coming soon here:

Contact Allison Mackey to sign up for time shifts to sell and earn more! 720-299-2724 or

Popcorn Is Here!

You can sign up show and sells in the Trails End App. If you want wagon sale popcorn, please text Lisa at 720-402-8840.

New Scout Corner – King Soopers Donations

Reposting this for those of you who have forgotten! Please sign up if you aren’t already supporting a good cause!

As many people already know, you can tie your Sooper Card to a participating non-profit and then a percentage of all of your purchases will directly go to that non-profit. We have this setup and use the funds to add to our general expenses account to cover expenses such as new tents, trailer parts, and any other equipment/needs not fulfilled by our annual dues. If you aren’t already contributing somewhere and like to support Troop 640, do so by following these steps:

  1. Log into your account at (if you don’t already have an account tied to your Sooper Card, you’d need to create one).
  2. Click on My Account underneath your name in the top-right.
  3. Click on Community Rewards on the left-hand menu.
  4. Add or modify your organization of choice and find BSA Troop 640. Our Organization Number is PM350, if needed.
  5. Spend more money at King Soopers!

The Troop really appreciates your support!

Camp Card Sales Ending

Camp Card sales are winding up this week! Please bring any unsold cards and money for the cards you did sell to the meeting on May 6th. The absolute deadline to return unsold cards is at the May 14th meeting! Any unsold cards not returned by May 13th will be charged to the Scout’s account. Please reach out to Chris Naber with any questions or concerns at 720-840-5326 or . Thank you.

Camp Card Sales!

Hi Scouts!

We have more Camp Cards available to sell. They are great coupon cards for only $5! There are some new locations this year! Please see the SignUp Genius to sign up for a time to sell Camp Cards outside of King Sooper at Kipling and Belleview.

I also called SmashBurger off Wadsworth. They are accepting the coupon and said we can sell cards outside the restaurant ANYTIME! Just bring cards & cash to make change. Remember to wear your uniform and ask if people would like to support Scouting by purchasing a $5 coupon card. They can use it right then at SmashBurger for a Buy One Get One Free!

Chris will have more cards to check out at the meeting Monday! Let us know if you have any questions or call if you need cards mid-week.

Thanks, Jen and Chris Naber

New Fundraising Opportunity!

We are going to offer our services to folks purchasing Christmas Trees the ability to have someone take their used tree away for recycling after the holiday is over! For the low low price of $10 (additional donations will also be accepted), we will schedule a time to pick up trees the 2 weekends after Christmas (12/30-31 and 1/6-7) and properly dispose of them at a local tree recycling lot. To get folks to sign up, we will set up a table at some local Christmas Tree lots such as Jared’s (on Bowles) and Tree Town (@ Putters Pride Mini-Golf on Kipling) with potentially more locations to come. This is time sensitive as people will be starting to purchase their trees over the next few weekends, so sign up now at the SignUp Genius link below!

We plan to split the earnings between Scouts who man the table and Scouts who participate in the tree pickup after the holidays. Once we know how many stops we have to make, we will send out a SignUp Genius for that end as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Cameron Bahr at either or call or text him directly at 801-380-8766.

Attached here are 2 files, one which are flyers that can be printed and handed out to your friends, families, and people at the tree lots. The second is a spreadsheet to keep track of your signups and payments! We will only accept cash, check, or Zelle but feel free to get creative with a personal Venmo account so long as you ensure the Troop receives the funds so we can disburse them accordingly!

Also don’t forget that we aren’t limited to signing people up at the tree farms – you should reach out to your local friends, family, and neighbors as well!

Popcorn Update – Prizes This Week!

Make sure you don’t miss the meeting Monday as we have tallied up the results in our annual Popcorn Sales and will be handing out prizes to our top sellers!


Orders need to be emailed or text to Mrs. Mackey tonight (or Mon morning)  I have to place the order Monday afternoon!!

  or 720-299-2724 

Bring $$$ that you have collected to the meeting.  Final money will be due after delivery.

If you want to sell wreaths any of the 3 weekends after Thanksgiving, please text or email Mrs. Mackey 

11/25, 26

12/2, 3 and 9, 10

REMEMBER, You can make $8.60 – $13.50 for each wreath you sell.

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