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Committee Chairperson Search in Full Swing!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! As many of you know, Mr. Williams has served as our Committee Chairman for almost 2 full years now and he has decided to step down at the end of this year. So that means we need one awesome adult to step up and help out the troop in this critical role. Officially, here’s the “job” description from the BSA:

The troop committee chair is appointed by the chartered organization to see that all committee functions are carried out. The troop committee chair appoints and supervises the unit committee and unit leaders, and organizes the committee to see that all committee responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed.

Mr. Williams has graciously offered to train up his successor over the coming months so we are asking for folks to help us recruit his replacement as soon as possible! To that end, we will be having a meeting this coming Wednesday evening to discuss this search – all adults are invited, especially if you or someone you know would be a good fit for this position! While we are a boy-led Troop, please remember that your boys wouldn’t have a Troop if it weren’t for the amazing adult volunteers that help behind the scenes.

We thank Mr. Williams for his service during this unpredictable time!

Zoom meeting info:
Wednesday, August 19th, 7:00pm (we don’t anticipate longer than 30 minutes)

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