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Court of Honor – 10/5/20; 6:30pm (Scouts arrive 6:15pm)

For this Court of Honor, we will be trying something new! We will host it in-person at our current “normal” meeting spot, under a picnic shelter in the SE corner of Clement Park, just North of Columbine High School, but we will ALSO be broadcasting the meeting over Zoom! So those of you who cannot attend in-person, please feel free to join us remotely and also make sure to invite the extended friends and families who might want to see your Scouts recognized for their hard work these past few months!

While the audio may not be perfect since we are outside and not using professional equipment, we hope it’s good enough for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own home.

The current program can be found here. The zoom meeting info is below.

Scouts please try to arrive by 6:15pm so we can start promptly at 6:30pm!

Mike Bielkiewicz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Troop 640 Court of Honor
Time: 10/5/2020, 6:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 923 5222 6936
One tap mobile
+17209289299,,92352226936# US (Denver)

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