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Court of Honor – 8/30

Please join us for Monday night’s Court of Honor as we recognize all of the hard work our kids have put into Scouting over the past few months. 

In Scouting as in life, the rewards don’t come to those who sit back and wait for something to be handed to them. They come to those who bring their Scout handbooks to every meeting, to those who work on advancement during the week, and to those who ask good questions of their merit badge counselors  

As I’ve mentioned, I would love to see each boy in our Troop make it to Eagle.  This Monday, many of our Scouts will be taking their next steps toward that great honor  Once they’ve taken that first step the next step becomes easier.  And the ones after that will be easier still because they’re on the way along the Scouting trail. Thank you all for the opportunity to work with your scouts on this amazing trail.

Jon C Strauss
Troop 640
Littleton, CO

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