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New Scout Corner – Depositing Money to Scout Accounts

We have implemented a new system over the past year for Scout Accounting. We utilize a 3rd party website called Troop Web Host which allows for everyone to have access to their Scouts accounts at any time with your own logins. If you have lost your login information, please reach out to and we will resend the login info. We will also occasionally (~once per month) send out negative balance emails (some months we will send out everyone’s balance) to those of you who currently owe the Troop money. How do you deposit funds into your Scout’s account? We have several options to make it easier, here they are in order of preference:

Option 1 – Zelle

Zelle is a wonderful method that more and more banks have implemented which allows for direct bank-to-bank transfers between accounts! Think of it as Venmo without the middle man. If your bank supports Zelle (check your mobile app or your banks website), all you have to do is open that portion of your app and initiate a transfer to Send the Troop money. To connect your account to ours the first time, you simply enter our email address () and sometimes also the first and last name. What I’ve found is the names aren’t really usually required, but if asked, you can enter “BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA” for the first name and “TROOP 640” for the last name. Zelle may update the name as it really is just verifying the email address. Once you click send, that’s it! The Troop will receive the money almost instantly and the Treasurer will acknowledge your deposit with an email once the money has been credited to your Scouts Account. (FYI, this goes both ways, so if you need a reimbursement from your Scouts Account, we prefer to Zelle you the money)

Option 2 – Check

You can always write a check made out to BSA Troop 640 and hand it to the Troop Treasurer (currently Mike Bielkiewicz as of this writing). He will deposit your check at his earliest convenience (typically within a day or two as we can do this remotely) and credit your Scouts Account accordingly. He will then send an email acknowledging this process has been completed.

Option 3 – Cash

You can, of course, go with the old standby and give the Troop Treasurer cash. This is the least preferable option as it involves a trip to deposit said cash into our bank account, and therefore takes longest of the three options. The Treasurer will email you once the transaction has been completed and the Scouts Account is updated.

If you have any questions, reach out to or see the Treasurer at a meeting! Thanks so much.

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