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Jacob Eagle Project Update

So the day was a success. On Saturday we went to Platteville for the first part of my Eagle Scout project. We completed all 10 helmet boxes in record time (only 2 hours late). They are all ready to be painted. Day 2 involves us painting the boxes. Our tentative date is Saturday September 10th. We will then paint all 10 boxes. I need all the help we can get – please keep an eye out for a signup and permission slip coming soon. Again thank you to the few Scouts who helped build the boxes Saturday (Caleb N, Michael S, Zack B). Hope to see you at the painting day!

Here are a few photos of the workday:

The stack of plywood we began the day with
Adding dividers to the frames
Our piles of cut wood, being attended to by our additional helpers
A lot of gluing to be done
A good view of the box on the left, finished boxes on their side on the right
All 10 boxes completed and ready to be painted
Transporting the boxes from Platteville to Littleton

Jacob B

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