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Fall/Winter Campout Signups – Update

Update! We have added more campouts to the Events page on the website. Note that only the most recent events will usually have direct links in the newsletter – everything else is on the website. For a refresher on signing up, check out the article in our New Scout Corner.

We’ve added December’s annual ski trip (moved from the usual January spot) and the planned ice climbing adventure at Camp Alexander in January. Signups for the latter are coming very soon so we’d love to have an idea of how many Scouts are interested in the amazing activity. Note that both trips will be spent indoors. The ski trip is dependent on us finding a place to stay – preferably the same church we used last year. Stay tuned!

We are trying to be more proactive with our planning and registration of our campouts so you will see more and more events posted on the website and linked in the newsletter. We currently have campouts open for signups through November and will continue to add our winter campouts in the coming weeks. Please sign up as soon as you know you want to attend – while we don’t like to see people cancel, it can be done (easier if you create an account on the Events page and use that for your signups). Note that for “far out” adventures, the itinerary and times listed are estimates and are subject to change as we get closer to the event. Thanks everyone and Camp On!

-Mr. Bielkiewicz
ASM of Proactive Programming

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