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Genesis Workday Success

A big thank you goes out to everyone who came out to our charter organization, Genesis Presbyterian Church, on a beautiful Saturday morning! The Scouts worked hard to trim many tree branches (no more scratches on SUVs driving in the half-circle!), rake/mulch several bags worth of leaves, and clear out weeds around the church. The adults worked just as hard on their supervision/delegation skills. Some might have actually done some actual work as well. Those in attendance for at least a part of the morning:

Jacob B.
Zack B.
Max D.
Brandon G.
Mathew G.
Izaiah K.
Michael S.
Beckham S.
Nash W.
Mr. Bielkiewicz
Mr. Kuntz
Mr. Strauss
Ms. Strozinski
Mr. Williams

The church members were very appreciative of all of your hard work! Thank you for giving back!

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