New Scout Corner – King Soopers Donations
Reposting this for those of you who have forgotten! Please sign up if you aren’t already supporting a good cause!
As many people already know, you can tie your Sooper Card to a participating non-profit and then a percentage of all of your purchases will directly go to that non-profit. We have this setup and use the funds to add to our general expenses account to cover expenses such as new tents, trailer parts, and any other equipment/needs not fulfilled by our annual dues. If you aren’t already contributing somewhere and like to support Troop 640, do so by following these steps:
- Log into your account at (if you don’t already have an account tied to your Sooper Card, you’d need to create one).
- Click on My Account underneath your name in the top-right.
- Click on Community Rewards on the left-hand menu.
- Add or modify your organization of choice and find BSA Troop 640. Our Organization Number is PM350, if needed.
- Spend more money at King Soopers!
The Troop really appreciates your support!