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New Scout Corner – King Soopers Donations

Reposting this for those of you who have forgotten! Please sign up if you aren’t already supporting a good cause!

As many people already know, you can tie your Sooper Card to a participating non-profit and then a percentage of all of your purchases will directly go to that non-profit. We have this setup and use the funds to add to our general expenses account to cover expenses such as new tents, trailer parts, and any other equipment/needs not fulfilled by our annual dues. If you aren’t already contributing somewhere and like to support Troop 640, do so by following these steps:

  1. Log into your account at (if you don’t already have an account tied to your Sooper Card, you’d need to create one).
  2. Click on My Account underneath your name in the top-right.
  3. Click on Community Rewards on the left-hand menu.
  4. Add or modify your organization of choice and find BSA Troop 640. Our Organization Number is PM350, if needed.
  5. Spend more money at King Soopers!

The Troop really appreciates your support!

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