Klondike Derby – Permission slip coming SOON!
Alpine District’s annual Klondike Derby has been moved! The new date is March 12-14, 2021, still at Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch. So please, mark your calendars! This is a phenomenal event – just ask any of your fellow Scouts who have attended in the past!
We will need to register fairly soon as they are limiting the number of attendees due to Covid. So we will be giving more information as well as asking for Scouts to commit to going very shortly! Look for an event entry and permission slip on the website soon!
We are always looking for leaders to help out with this event – the more we have, the more Scouts can attend! Here is the Leader Guide for your perusal – lots of good info in there on this years event and theme!
-Mr. Bielkiewicz
ASM of Semi-Cold Weather Camping