Merit Badge Opportunity!
From Denver Area Council:
Don’t have all your Shooting merit badges or still need requirements?
Peaceful Valley Rifle, Shotgun, or Archery Merit-Badge-In-A-Day Program
Dates and Location: Peaceful Valley in July on Mon 5th, Wed 7th and Fri 9th from 9am to 5pm. – SAVE THE DATE, registration coming soon!
An opportunity to earn an exciting shooting sports merit badge in just one day. If you are not able to qualify with the shooting skills requirement, come on back for an open shoot to finish (see below). More information will follow and check the DAC calendar for more details and to sign up a week or so from now.
Have all your merit badge requirements and just need to finish your shooting skills requirements? Or already have your merit badge, but still just want a day of shooting fun in the sun?
Peaceful Valley Open Shoot Day Program
Dates and Location: Peaceful Valley in July on Tue 6th, Thur 8th and Sat 10th from 9am to 5pm. -SAVE THE DATE, registration coming soon!
An opportunity to finish the shooting portions (only) and earn your Rifle, Shotgun or Archery shooting sports merit badge in just one day. Or if you just want to come out to PV and do some shooting just for fun, then this event is for you. More information will follow and check the DAC calendar for more details and to sign up a week or so from now. Sign up as a single scout or partial Unit.