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Mystery Trip Recap and Photos

This years Mystery Trip ventured back to Colorado Springs for a little food, fun, and animals! The large contingent set out from the church and headed straight to the Airplane Restaurant near the Colorado Springs airport. For those that don’t know this is a restaurant built around an old Boeing KC-97 tanker plane (which has tables inside of it now!). After filling up on lunch and dessert, the crew moved across town to the fairly new U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum where the boys spent time learning about our Olympic history and trying their hands at curling and hockey (special exhibits since the Paralympics are still going on). After a few hours there, they decided to briefly explore the Garden of the Gods, en-route to their final destination – the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Once they settled in, they were served up plenty of pizza and then were given a private, 2-hour nighttime tour of the zoo! After holing up inside the Safari Cabin for the night and a light breakfast in the morning, they then got another private tour Sunday morning before being allowed free time to explore the rest of the zoo. After a quick drive up to the Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun, they packed up and headed home. A great time was had by all and for those that missed out, don’t forget to sign up next year for our next surprise adventure!

Here are all of the attendees:

Jacob B.
Zack B.
Beckham S.
Caleb N.
Andrew N.
Michael S.
Nash W.
Liam H.
Davis M.
Alexander R.
Aidan S.
Cooper P.
Bjorn B.
Hudson O.
Vince P.
Drew D.
Jackson D.

And a big thanks to our adult leaders for making it possible:
Keel Ross
Allison Mackey
Hitch Hitchens
Brett Borstad
Chris Naber
Bob Pintur

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