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Mystery Trip Update & Ask

We will be meeting at the church at 6:00pm on Friday, March 10th. We will be sleeping indoors, so make sure to bring a sleeping bag and pad/cot and a change of clothes. We will travel to and from our locations in our class A uniforms, as always. Due to the late departure time, please ensure you’ve eaten dinner prior to coming to the church. Breakfast will be provided tomorrow morning. We are still ironing out some final plans so our return time is not quite firm, but we are thinking sometime around noon. We will decide if lunch is included once we finalize the plans.

NEED: Everyone who is attending needs to provide me with their T-shirt size as a t-shirt is included with this adventure! I will be at the meeting looking for this info, so if I haven’t talked to you, please find me and let me know your size!

If you haven’t signed up and still want to attend, please do so now on our Events tab as I need to get our final numbers to our hosts ASAP.

Hint #2: Will we see Lions and Tigers and Bears? No guarantees to see them all, but surely at least one? Under or out of this world, the possibilities are endless.

As of right now, costs look to be around $70 but until our entire trip is finalized, we won’t have the exact amount.

-Mr. Bielkiewicz
ASM of Staying Healthy For A Mystery Trip

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