New Scout Corner – Campout Departure Day Process (including Project Tenderfoot)
For those of you new to the Troop (and as a refresher for those who have been around awhile), here’s our standard procedure for Campout Departure Day.
Arrival Time
Generally, the event info will state our planned arrival time to the Church. This time is very important as we try to ensure we have enough time to pack up our vehicles and/or trailer to ensure we arrive at the campsite early enough to set up camp before dark (when possible). For Project Tenderfoot 2022, we ask that all Scouts arrive to the church parking lot no later than 5:00pm. Please meet at the main parking lot and do not come down to the trailers – we will bring the trailer to the main parking lot for organizing/loading.
Friday Dinner
At almost ALL of our campouts which start on a Friday evening, we ask that Scouts come with a sack dinner that they can easily consume either in the car or at the campsite. Many Scouts drop by Subway prior to campouts as it travels pretty well, but you’re welcome to bring anything for dinner that doesn’t require cooking. This should be done BEFORE you arrive to the church.
Med Forms
ALL campouts require a current (signed within the last year) part A, B1, and B2 completed (no doctor signature required) for both Scouts and Adults. Campouts longer than 72 hours (like Summer Camp) also require part C (doctor’s exam/signature). The Med Form coordinator (currently Mr. Bielkiewicz) will let you know if we need an updated Med Form from you. Please note that for this particular trip, most of you will have to supply an updated Med Form – so parents, please don’t leave until we let you know we have all the required forms! If you aren’t sure, please print out and fill out the Med Form in advance if possible, though we try to bring blank copies for those that have forgotten.
Scouts/Adults Who Need An Updated Med Form For Project Tenderfoot 2022:
Beckham S.
Cooper P. (missing signature only on current med form)
Todd P/Cynthia R (whichever is attending)
Calvin D.
Caleb N.
Nick F.
Tom F.
Evan S.
Ryan S.
Liam H.
Generally, we’ve already determined who will be driving and who will be towing the trailer, if necessary. For Project Tenderfoot this year, Mr. Bielkiewicz will be towing the blue trailer. We will ensure that we have all the necessary gear for the number of Scouts attending (including tents, cooking supplies/equipment, firewood, etc) and then we will add any Scout gear that needs to find transport. For this particular trip, we have not determined drivers as of the writing of this newsletter, but we will minimize the number of drivers since Chatfield charges us an entry fee for each carload. Scouts, led by the trip SPL, will determine who rides with who just prior to departure. For this particular trip, it’s a very short journey.
Final Information
We will usually have a discussion as a Troop to outline our general plan and inform parents of our intended return time on Sunday. Since we are camping close by, we will likely be done prior to noon on Sunday, but Scouts generally contact families via phone/text as we get close to the church. No one is to leave until dismissed by their SPL to ensure we leave the trailer and gear properly cleaned up and tents are properly distributed for cleaning/airing out (if necessary).
Questions? Please bring them to me at the meeting tomorrow or shoot me an email ()
-Mr. Bielkiewicz
Project Tenderfoot 2022 SMiC