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New Scout Corner – Post Campout Tent Care

After most campouts, our tents can be wet, dirty, or both. In these cases, we ask that at least one Scout from each tent take that tent home to clean and/or dry it out. What does that entail? Generally not a whole lot! Usually we simply expect the Scout (potentially with parent help when needed) to unpack the tent, and, if it’s wet, set it up to let it air out. If the weather outside is windy or rainy, this can be done in a garage of course. Unfinished basements tend to work well as well! Once it is setup, take a quick look inside for dirt, grass, weeds, trash and simply brush it out.

If the tent is extremely dirty and brushing it off doesn’t fully clean it (especially when something spilled in/on the tent that’s not water), you can hose it down and spot treat specific problem areas with a non-abrasive sponge, cold water and a non-detergent soap. Gently scrub soiled areas by hand, being extra gentle on coated areas of the floor and fly. This last bit is pretty rare – because Scouts are CLEAN, right?

Once you are sure your tent is completely dry, pack it back up and bring it back to the church at the next event/meeting and ensure we know it’s being returned!

The more attention we pay to these little details, the longer our tents will last and continue to give us years of Scouting fun! If you have questions, ask you Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, or an Adult Leader!

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