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New Scout Corner – Signing Up For Events

For those of you who have recently joined us, or those who need a refresher, here is some basic pointers on signing up for Campouts and other Events. Generally, we will post upcoming campouts and events on our website under the Events tab. We will also usually advertise the events in the newsletter (in addition to the meetings of course). To sign up for Events, simply go to our website, click on the Events tab, and follow the instructions there. You will see a list of upcoming events that are available to sign up for at the bottom of that page.

It’s good to note that it is no longer REQUIRED to actually create an account to sign up for Events, however if you do, it allows you to see your history and make modifications to your previous sign-ups (i.e. if you need to cancel). If you do NOT have an account and need to make changes, simply email the or reach out to an ASM at a meeting.

Sometimes, we also have additional forms or permissions slips that may be required for a given event. Generally, if that’s the case, we will include instructions and/or links within the event listing on the website. Usually these will be required to be printed out and handed to the Scoutmaster-in-Charge (SMiC) of the event.

Almost all of our events have a cost associated with them. We will make a best-guess estimation at the time of posting the event, but it’s almost always subject to final adjustment based on numbers of attendees, cars driven, trailers taken, etc. You are responsible for the cost unless you cancel before the deadline! Generally we are pretty lenient on the deadlines for campouts, but some events need to be planned farther in advance so getting refunds isn’t always possible.

We are always open to suggestions for improving the process! Please reach out should you have any questions.

-Mr. Bielkiewicz
ASM of Reiterating The Unclear

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