New Scout Corner – Summer Meetings vs Winter Meetings
For those new to the troop and as a refresher to those who have been around awhile, we are entering our “summer” season of Troop meetings! What does that mean? Well, traditionally, beginning with the first meeting after Memorial Day (we don’t meet on the holiday) and lasting until the last meeting prior to Labor Day, we meet outside at the church! For those of you were at this past meeting, it’s very similar to that! We still do our flags, just outside the front door, and plan meetings with activities that can be done in the fresh summer air!
What this also means is we abandon our Class A Uniforms for Class B! So you do not need to wear your Uniform shirt – any Troop or BSA shirt qualifies as a Class B shirt. Of course if you have a Board of Review scheduled during a meeting, Class A’s are still required. And any Court of Honor we hold will usually still take place inside the church in full Class A’s.
If you have any questions, ask your SPL!