New Scout/Parent Corner – Expense Reimbursement
Over your time with the Troop, you will likely incur expenses that require reimbursement in some form. This can be for food purchased for a campout, mileage driving to/from an outing/activity, equipment purchased explicitly for the Troop, and so on.
To receive a timely reimbursement, we request that you fill out and print a copy of the Reimbursement Request form available on the website under the Resources/Links page. You can submit this digitally or hand it directly to the treasurer at a meeting or Troop event. Email the request along with a scan/copy of the appropriate receipts to and make sure to select whether you’d like to credit your Scout account or have funds disbursed to you directly. If you choose the latter, we can Zelle the money to your bank (fastest and preferred method) or cut you a check which can take up to a week.
We do ask that receipts for specific events/campouts be submitted on a timely manner so we can bill the final amounts due to the Scouts who attended.
-Mr. Bielkiewicz
ASM of Temporarily Treasuring