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OA Update

A few members of Troop 640 had a great time at the Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship event this weekend at McNeil Scout Ranch down at Peaceful Valley. The Order of the Arrow is is Scouting’s honor society, and provides cheerful service to Scouting and community events. The big meeting we just had combined newly elected members going through their Ordeal, Scouts crossing over to the Brotherhood level of membership, and staff elections for the upcoming year. Two of our youth, Nash W. and Alexander R. completed their Ordeal, Keel Ross played a key role volunteering in the kitchen, and as the Brotherhood advisor I helped the Inductions team cross over 15 Scouts and Scouters into full membership. And let’s not forget Michael S. who presided over the Ceremonies team that added a touches of reverence and lore to the entire occasion. Of course there was also a feast (or two) followed by lots of loud music and dancing.

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is happy to welcome new members who meet the qualifications. We have two more youth who will – hopefully – complete their Ordeal in the spring. And since I won’t be at Monday night’s meeting, I’d like to announce that our newest adult candidate will also have the opportunity for his Ordeal this spring. So if you happen to see Chris Naber, please congratulate him on being elected due to his exemplary level of service to our Troop and BSA in general. For those adults who were in Scouts as youth and were elected into the OA, please let me know and we can get your membership reactivated. It’s a great honor and you should be recognized…and maybe do some extra volunteering as a mentor. For those of you getting into Scouting as adults now, you’re only 15 camping nights away from me recommending you as a new member!

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