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Popcorn Sales – FINAL CALL!

Hi Scout Families,

It is Popcorn season once again for the Scouts. The popcorn fundraiser will look different this year due to COVID-19. Trails End is really amping up online sales this year to keep kids safer. You do still have the option of going door to door and if we can find some places willing to let us do show and sells – we can still do those also (I’ve heard most places aren’t allowing it).  

I have to place our first popcorn order by 8/10/20 – So I need to know who is going to try to sell popcorn this year. If you are planning on selling popcorn I need to know – will you be selling door to door, will you be selling via show and sell (if I can find some places) or will you be selling online. Please send me an Email at as soon as possible letting me know if you are selling and all of the ways that you would like to sell. I need to know no later than July 20, 2020.

Once I have information on everyone that will be selling I will try to put together a parent meeting to go over everything new this year.

Please reach out to me if you have questions.

Lisa Habegger

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