Scout Camp Corner – Miscellaneous Details
Hello Everyone,
We are only five and a half weeks away from going!
I think I know just about all of you, but if you don’t know me, I am Nik’s father. Chris Naber, Cynde Rothenburger and I are the adults going to camp this summer. I have volunteered to be the leader this year, and therefore I am the adult that is responsible for all the paperwork getting turned in.
Merit Badges
Merit Badges are finalized, and fees have been paid (and charged to your Scout Account). If anybody is interested in seeing the Merit Badge Schedule for their Scout, let me know and I will send it to you.
Medical Forms
Medical Forms MUST be completed and turned into me no later than the Monday June 5th meeting. There is a packet of forms on the Troop website, under the Summer Camp tab. Three separate pages require a doctor’s signature. If your Scout takes medication, there is a separate form that must be signed by a doctor. If your Scout has an EPIPEN or Asthma Inhaler that they need to carry with them, there is a separate form for that as well…and it also needs to be signed by a doctor. PLEASE make sure these forms get done, your Scout can’t go to camp without them.
Dietary Needs
If your Scout has food allergies or other special dietary needs, the camp needs to be notified a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the start of camp. Notification is done via a Microsoft form that can be found on Page 58 of the Camp Alexander Leaders Guide, which is on the Troop website under the Summer Camp Tab.
Camp Alexander provides cots for rental. The cost is $25 for the week. I posted a Poll on GroupMe asking about Cot rental and got 5 total votes. Mr. Naber and I decided that this year we will leave it up to the individual Scout to decide if they want to rent a cot. We are not going to just rent them for everyone like we did last year. We are taking the Troop trailer, so there will be room for Scouts to bring their own cot or sleeping pad. If your Scout would like to rent a cot from the camp, please let me know. If I don’t hear from you, I will assume that your Scout is bringing their own cot or sleeping pad.
Care Packages/Letters From Home
The camp does not recommend sending anything to your Scout while they are at camp. Mail and Package delivery is sporadic, and oftentimes items arrive after the Scout has already departed camp. So instead the camp sells Care Packages that can be delivered to your Scout at camp. Information about those Care Packages is on page 43 of the Camp Alexander Leaders Guide. See me for more details about an alternate solution. Also the Camp does have a Trading Post, and it is recommended that the Scouts bring some cash to buy Ice Cream, Candy, Soda, Slushies, etc. Scouts also may want to buy a souvenir hat, t-shirt or knife. Last year, I sent Nik with $60 and that was more than enough.
Packing List
I am currently working on a packing list for Scouts, and will send it out a couple of weeks before we leave.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Also if there is anyone else (another parent, etc.) that needs to be added to this email group, let me know and I will add them.