Trailer/Corral Cleanup
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to the church earlier today to help clean and organize the trailers and the corral! We started at Noon and here are the attendees who stayed until 4pm (unless noted):
Nik F.
Bjorn B. (until 3pm)
Zack B.
Caleb N.
Cooper P.
Eli S.
Damon B.
Mike B.
Chris N.
Brett B. (until 3pm)
Curtis S.
Cynde R.
Tom F.
Cameron B. (from 3pm)
Jeff M. (from 2:30pm)
Keel R. (until 1:30pm)
We cleaned ALL the weeds in the corral, pulled everything out of both trailers, and organized it all. We also set up Big White with the help of Mr. Martin – it’s good to know it still works and perhaps we can use it on a future campout now that we (mostly) know how to set it up again!
Here are a few photos of the day: