Trip Write-Ups
Klondike Derby 2025
On the evening of February 7th a patrol of nine scouts from Troop 640 ascended into the snowy darkness of Golden Gate Canyon State Park for a weekend of good, cold fun at the annual Klondike Derby with over 500 other scouts and scouters from the Alpine, Frontier, and Valley Districts of the Greater Colorado…
2025 Ice Climbing Recap & Photos
As I re-read the 2024 Ice Climbing Recap, I debated just copying it and changing the dates. So much was similar to our now-annual Ice Climbing adventure – in the best sense! Once again, we had a phenomenal time on this trip, however the weather was quite a bit different, but that didn’t change the…
2024 Tubing/Ski Trip to Granby Ranch
The annual trip to Granby Ranch went well this year with 14 scouts and 6 adults attending. The troop left the Nature School at 6:20 and arrived at the tubing hill about 2 hours later. The group tubed for about 90 minutes. Church of the Eternal Hills was gracious enough to let us spend the…
2024 Summer Camp Chronicle
Camp Buffalo Bill By: Tom Finley Scout Attendees: Adult Attendees: Jackson Deal (SPL) Tom Finley Eli Strous (ASPL) Chris Naber Nash Watkins Todd Prebynski Aidan Strozinski Curtis Strous Davis Mackey Daniel Burkard Andrew Naber Garrett Mackey Cooper Prebynski Vince Pintur Zaiden Burkard Dalton Myers Colin Finley Bjorn Borstad Zoehn Burkard Carter Tate Day 1 6/22/2024…
Project Tenderfoot 2024 Recap & Photos
We had a successful project Tenderfoot weekend with our goals to help the new scouts learn to be self sufficient when on a troop campout and to allow the older scouts an opportunity to further develop their teaching and leadership skills. This was Troop 640’s first campout with its new sister all girl troop. Friday…
2024 Klondike Derby Write Up
The top ten things I learned on my final Klondike Derby as the Scoutmaster of Troop 640: <drumroll> It takes more than two days to properly cook a raspberry pie. An “Everything bagel” does not taste like octopus. If you train really hard, you can improve your fire-starting skills by a factor of 38 in…
2024 Ice Climbing Recap & Photos
This past weekend we branched out and attempted something the troop hasn’t done before – Ice Climbing at Camp Alexander! A great time was had by everyone who attended thanks to the amazing weather, challenging but fun Ice Climbing, relaxing ice fishing, physical ice hockey (in boots), and cooking! We departed the church around 6pm…
2023 Snow Sports Adventure
We had a wonderful time this past weekend on our annual Snow Sports Adventure to the Granby area. We departed the church at 5:58pm – two minutes ahead of schedule even though Mr. Bielkiewicz’s car needed a jump start. We headed to the tubing hill and spent over 2 hours zooming down the hill. This…
2023 Winter Primer Recap
This weekend was Troop 640’s winter primer campout, which gives Scouts a chance to camp in the cold – some for perhaps the first time. It also gives everyone a chance to check out different techniques and new gear. After a 90 minute drive from the church, the latter part filled with a plethora of…
Sand Dunes Photos Posted
Scouts: Dalton M., Cooper P., Nash W., Caleb N., Alexander R., Davis M., Nik F., Ben T., Andrew N., Eli S. Adults: Cynde, Allison, Keel, Chris, Corey Sorry for the delay in posting this, but we do have photos available from the Sand Dunes Campout. Photos are online and if you need the password, email .
Bent’s Old Fort Campout Review
Scouts: Eli, Bjorn, Lex, Luke, Andrew, Vince, Aidan, Jackson D, Alexander and Cooper Adults: Heather, Chris, Brett We overnighted Friday at the Koshare Indian Museum where we slept under a giant wooden Kiva. This location is where the famed Koshare Indian Dancers (a boy scout staffed group) perform, unfortunately they were not performing at the…
2023 Florida Sea Base Travel Log
(Please note this is not a traditional writeup as it is very detailed and likely more appealing to those who actually attended the trip. When I was a Scout, our Troop would always have a Scribe designated for each crew on any Summer Adventure trip who would write up a similar log of the adventure.…
April 2023 Shootzenfest (funny name and a fun time)
The troop had a good turn out of nine scouts (Damon B, Bjorn B, Jackson D, Andrew N, Caleb, N, Vince P, Alexander R, Evan S, and Nash W) and 3 adults (Brett B, Little Bob P and Scoutmaster Strauss) who attended this event April 28-30th 2023. We got lucky and had great weather all weekend. …
2023 Project Tenderfoot Recap and Photos
12:20pm Friday: Mr. Bielkiewicz and Mr. Ross start discussions, due to the suddenly heavy local snowfall, around options for tonight and the possibility of postponing the start of the trip to Saturday is a surprisingly strong option. 1:23pm Friday: They decide that meeting at the church at 4:00pm might be our best course of action…
2023 Mystery Trip Recap and Photos
This past weekend we held our annual Mystery Trip. For the uninformed, this is an annual tradition where the adults fully plan an adventure for the Scouts and keep the details secret as long as possible. This year, we did an overnight at the Denver Aquarium followed by a short visit to the Denver Museum…
2023 Klondike Derby Write-Up and Photos
This week the Troop attended the Klondike Derby hosted by Alpine District at Reverend’s Ridge in Blackhawk, CO. Nash, Alexander, Damon, Luke, Eli, Cooper and Bjorn along with myself and Cooper’s dad Todd, had a great weekend of winter camping and wonderful weather. While it may have gotten below 20°F at night, it was almost…
Winter Sports Photos Posted!
We had a chilly, but fun weekend in the mountains! We departed the church right on time around 5pm and made it to the tubing hill in Fraser around 7pm. We started our 2 hour block at about 7:15pm and zipped up and down the mountain in single-digit temps until just after 9pm. We then…
Winter Retreat Photos Posted!
What a pleasure it was to be the SMIC for yet another successful winter retreat. There wasn’t as much snow as we would have liked, however, an enormous amount of fun was had. The young men on this trip made the best of their time hiking to the ridge, sledding on the short paths they…
Slick City Activity Night Photos Posted!
Several boys had a blast at our activity night at Slick City last Monday night! Great job to the boys who planned the outing and for our SPL, Nash for working out the details. Initial photos are located at and if you need the password, email .
Camporee Photos Posted!
Everyone had fun. We did mountain biking, shooting sports, and had root beer. I got flung off my mountain bike 3 times. All of our meals were really quick, so we got done early and we hardly had any dishes. The closing campfire was pretty good and there was no invisible bench. Thanks to Aidan…
Mystery Trip Recap and Photos
This years Mystery Trip ventured back to Colorado Springs for a little food, fun, and animals! The large contingent set out from the church and headed straight to the Airplane Restaurant near the Colorado Springs airport. For those that don’t know this is a restaurant built around an old Boeing KC-97 tanker plane (which has…
The Not-Klondike Writeup
Thanks to some meddling from the weather Gods, this year’s Klondike Derby turned into the most epic road trip to nowhere. Our tale begins around 2:30pm on Friday when the expected 1-3 inches of predicted snow began to fall. It quickly developed into big, thick, wet, heavy snow which covered metro area roadways as the…
Winter Retreat Campout Photos Posted!
This past weekend, Mr. Strauss, Mr. Bielkiewicz, Mr. Hitchens, and Mr. Johnson led our annual Winter Retreat Campout. In attendance was Michael S. (SPL), Jacob B, Caleb N, Isaac M, Aidan S, Alexander R, and Liam H. We slept in cabins at Camp Tahosa, and while it was unfortunate that the lake was not frozen…
Winter Primer Campout Photos Posted!
This past weekend, Mr. Martin and Mr. Naber led our annual Winter Primer Campout. This year we went to some private property near Ward (and Camp Tahosa) where the 7 Scouts endured some gusty (up to 50mph) wind pretty much the entire time, enjoyed a couple of fires when the wind permitted, chopped up a…
Genesis Workday Photos Posted!
On Sunday, 9 Intrepid Scouts, 1 Webelos, and 3 Adults spent the morning raking up leaves at Genesis. We filled the dumpster with bags of leaves, and left an additional dozen or so bags nearby! We enjoyed doughnuts and juice and got several compliments from churchgoers who were very happy with our work. Thanks to…
Backpacking Campout Photos Posted!
This past weekend, Mr. Johnson led a small, but intrepid group on a backpacking weekend on the Goose Creek Trail. Thanks to Mr. Strauss for co-leading and Michael S, Isaac M, and Jacob B for attending. A great time was had by all and here are the photos to prove it! See them and more…
Wellington Lake Campout Recap and Photos
This past weekend, an intrepid crew braved the wild, windy, washboarded roads with Mr. Bielkiewicz, Ms. Dawson, and Mr. Ross up to Wellington Lake for yet another camping adventure. After departing the church early, we arrived to check in around 6:30pm Friday evening only to find out that our reservation had already made it to…
Battle Hamsters Patrol Outing Recap
It was a wild Sunday afternoon as the Battle Hamsters attempted to live up to their names. After a couple meetings worth of planning, an adventure to K1 Speed Indoor Go-karts was settled on and much fun was had! After arriving and donning the appropriate gear, our small but intrepid group boarded their karts to…
Orienteering Class Recap
SM Strauss led a ragtag group of Scouts thru the wilds of Littleton and unincorporated Jeffco on an orienteering course. The Scouts had to learn what their pace count was, how to use a compass and how to navigate using a GPS device. Rumor has it there was even some math involved (shudder). It was…
July “Campout” Becomes An Epic Day Trip
Our intrepid adventures planned their first campout in over 5 months with the goal to camp somewhere near the town of Bailey, Colorado. After successfully buying food, preparing the trailer, filling 20 Gallons worth of water jugs, and setting out in 5 separate vehicles, the trip began Friday afternoon. While the first 3 vehicles did…