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Virtual Campout May 15-16, 2020

Virtual Campout Agenda

Friday, May 15th
3:30pm-5:30pm Set up “camp”
5:00-7:00pm Cook dinner!
7:00pm First Zoom Meeting to discuss/show your dinner ( password will be emailed)

Saturday, May 16th
7:00-9:00am Cook breakfast!
9:00am Second Zoom meeting to discuss/show your breakfast (same link)
During the same meeting, we will be teaching one or more requirements via the EDGE method
11:30-1:30pm Cook lunch!
1:30pm Third Zoom meeting to discuss/show your lunch (same link)
2:30pm Break down camp and trek back home

Virtual Campout information

For those of you attempting to satisfy cooking requirements for either Cooking Merit Badge or Camping Merit Badge, you need to let Mr. Strauss know during the first Zoom meeting so we can get you signed off accordingly. If you are trying to accomplish cooking requirements for any rank, please let Mr. Strauss or Mr. Bielkiewicz know during a Zoom session.

Remember that if you are cooking on any heat-generating source (camp stove, backpacking stove, grill, etc) you MUST have adult supervision during your time cooking!

Please treat this campout as you would any other campout! No electronics (aside from your equipment necessary for Zoom meetings), pack like you would for a real campout (10 essentials!), and spend your time in your “campsite” not in your house (although we don’t recommend creating an outhouse…do that business inside).

The times above are flexible of course per your schedules, but we will try to keep the Zoom meetings to the times noted and, if necessary, we will keep the meeting open as long as necessary for everyone to show off their camp, their food, and their fun!

Need Additional Camping Gear?

We understand that not everyone might have all the gear necessary for a successful campout and that’s ok! The troop has plenty of equipment (tents, stoves, etc) and Mr. Bielkiewicz is more than happy to make a run to get whatever gear you may need from the church and bring it to you! Please just email him (scouting AT erinmike DOT com) between now and Thursday evening so he has time to go get what you need.

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