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Website Troop Calendar Now Being Utilized

Some of you may have noticed that our calendar on the calendar tab of the website was no longer updated as of 2021. Previously, we tied this calendar to the Scoutbook Calendar. However it seemed superfluous to maintain 2 calendars so now we are updating the calendar directly on the website. If you have any updates to the calendar you would like added/removed/modified, please email and we will try to do so as soon as possible.

Please also note that you can subscribe to the calendar with your phones, tablets, other calendar software (outlook, google, etc) quite easily. Simply pull up the calendar page ( and click the Subscribe button at the bottom right corner. There are several options that should show up based on your device/software. I find it’s easiest to click this link from your mobile device if you want to add it to your phones calendar. This is a great way to keep in synch with all troop events!

If you have any questions, email me or seek me out at the next troop event/meeting.

-Mr. Bielkiewicz
ASM of Timekeeping

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