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Wellington Lake Campout Recap and Photos

This past weekend, an intrepid crew braved the wild, windy, washboarded roads with Mr. Bielkiewicz, Ms. Dawson, and Mr. Ross up to Wellington Lake for yet another camping adventure.

After departing the church early, we arrived to check in around 6:30pm Friday evening only to find out that our reservation had already made it to the recycle bin in the office. Fortunately, they were able to recover said reservation and gave us directions to our remote valley campsite. Shortly after we arrived, we were informed that our only neighbors had just spotted a full grown cinnamon colored black bear just at the other end of their campsite. After a thorough discussion of bear safety, the crew set up their tents, built a fire (thanks to Michael “Fishmonger” S.), and enjoyed the crisp evening with Oreos for cracker barrel before retiring for the night.

Waking up to a brisk 37 degrees between 6 and 7am, the crew began breakfast. The Scouts had french toast for their main course while Ms. “No, really, it’s bacon” Dawson cooked up eggs, hashbrowns, and turkey “bacon” slices. Or did she…? After breakfast, Drew “Fore!!!!” D. led the crew to some golfing fun. Alexander “How Many Shoes Do I Have?” R. and Mathew “What do you mean the rain fly is upside down?” G. lost their golf ball, but found our bear friend, circling our campsite, eager for its inhabitants to leave so it can feast on our scraps.

The crew decided to hit the lake before the supposed storm was supposed to roll in and braved the treacherous half-mile road to the beach. Mr. “I can tow and carry everything” Bielkiewicz dropped off the canoe and Ms. Dawson made kayaks appear as if from nowhere and our boys ventured out on the lake. Mrs. “I’m not a lead-foot!” Berland and Alex “I swear I’ll get my license eventually” Berland showed up to enjoy the cool day on the beach and Caleb “Get away from my fish, Michael” N. caught several pretty wannabe sushi, however due to the lake rules and the lack of $50 to pay for each fish killed, he gently released each fish back to its home in the lake.

After lunch and more fun and games near the beach, the crew deflated the kayaks, strapped the canoe back on the car, and rushed back to camp just as the first wave of torrential rain and hail slammed our crazy crew and campsite. Rivers formed throughout camp, our crew hunkered down in their tents, and Mr. “I like my sleep” Ross and the other adults managed to get in a nice nap. After a couple waves of classic Colorado downpours, our travelers emerged and fired up their stoves and dutch ovens for dinner. The Scouts had a gourmet feast of…..hamburgers. Again. While the adults made a yummy beef & rice stew. Unfortunately, the adults would have to wait to enjoy their peach cobbler dessert and the Scouts would have to wait to enjoy their…..extra burgers for another fast moving downpour. All was well though, until Reece “I was just trying to cross the creek” D. managed to dampen his shoes…but not his spirits. He, and our crew, forged on in our new, muddy environs. We retired to bed with tummies full and jackets wet.

We arose Sunday morning to find we hit the same 37 degree low as the first night. Mr. Ross departed camp early with Alexander and Isaac “Lacrosse is my life” M. so he could…play lacrosse. Jacob “Finally an SPL not named Michael” B. led Nash “Another campout, another tent” W. and the remaining Scouts to pack up camp, enjoy more cereal for breakfast, and clean our site before we loaded up under clear, sunny skies for the washboard laden road trip back to Littleton. After doing our Roses & Thorns at the church, we quickly dispersed gear and Scouts and packed away our trailer where it will rest until the next Troop 640 adventure.

See the photos here!

-Mr. Bielkiewicz
SMiC and ASM of realistic recaps

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