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What does my kid need to get his Eagle?

I get asked this a lot, so here’s a list of specifics that will provide folks with the basic info:

First, a scout has to have the Life Scout rank for at least six months before going for Eagle. 

He or she has to earn a minimum of 21 merit badges, including the 13 Eagle required badges. There are some badges where you have to earn one or the other, not both. For instance: Environmental Science OR Sustainability. 

A scout has to demonstrate Scout Spirit, and this can really only be done at meetings and outings. Being an active member of the troop is vital. 

Lastly, the scout has to hold a leadership position within the troop since earning Life rank. This is typically an elected or appointed position. This does not include Patrol Leader. 

Additionally a scout must plan, develop, and lead a service project (aka: Eagle Project) that demonstrates both leadership and a commitment to duty.

After all requirements are met, the youth must complete an Eagle Scout board of review.

Note: the board of review can be completed up to 3 months after a Scout’s 18th birthday as long as all other requirements are completed before their 18th birthday.

That’s it…which is quite a lot, but all very possible. While a parent or guardian that gently or constantly reminds the scout to hurry up, finish, ask for signatures, etc., is  helpful, it is not actually listed as a requirement. Your mileage may vary. 

Please reach out to me with any questions. 


Jon C Strauss
Scoutmaster, Troop 640

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