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What Will I Do In Scouts BSA?

Scouts BSA is designed to take place in the outdoors. It’s outside that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with one another. It’s outside that skills and activities practiced at troop meetings come alive with purpose. Outside is the laboratory in which Scouts gain self-esteem, leadership skills, and an appreciation for the world around them.

Scouts travel to amazing places, from the mountains of Alaska to the Florida Keys. Ride jet-skis, ATVs, horses, and climb 60-foot walls all at summer camp. Scouts BSA can get you there. Click here to see more about some of our past adventures!

Scouts plan their own advancement and progress at their own pace. Choose from 120 interests ranging from game development to wilderness survival. Experts in these fields are ready to provide fun, real-world experiences. A Scout is rewarded for each achievement which helps him gain self-confidence. Setting their own goals helps Scouts grow in self-reliance.

Troop Highlights

Troop 640 delivers the Scouting program to approximately 30 scouts in patrols led by scouts who are mentored by active Scouts BSA-trained adult leaders. Troop meetings are held weekly, with monthly camping outings, annual summer camp, and high adventure opportunities. Troop 640 has an active presence in Bighorn Youth Leadership Training, Wood Badge training, Alpine District activities, and Greater Colorado Council activities such as Jamboree. Troop 640 also actively supports the Greater Colorado Council’s Order of the Arrow (Tahosa Lodge).

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